Saturday 18 December 2010

Unit 10 Multimedia Assignment

Welcome to your Unit 10 Multimedia site.

Here you can learn what's required for you to be successful and complete your coursework.

Please listen to the video below and answer the questions in a Microsoft Word document. Remember it must be done before you return. If you want the mobile site then go to this address.

Wednesday 18 February 2009

United Nations visit

16th Tuesday United Nations visit Today we visited the United Nations. Listening to our tour guide it became even more evident how we as a people can be so brilliant, and then so destructive. Seeing the work the United Nations is doing to try to help people around the world was really inspirational. We also had the opportunity to sit inside the hall where all the meetings among the countries who belong to the United Nations take place was really a humbling feeling. To know that there are people who are working toward peace for the world and that each one of us can be a part of that change is what should drive all of us to make the world a better place to live and work in for everyone.

Student's video

Walking Tour of Ground Zero

Walking Tour of Ground Zero The walk here was really eye opening. The thought of everyone who lost their lives, the pain and suffering was evident as we walked though the church which exhibited items of the disaster. The way in which the country pulled together was tremendously encouraging for our future. We then took a walk to see where George Washington took his oath to become president of the United States.

New York Rangers and Ellis Island

Sunday 15th of February Got up this morning early around 6:00am. My brother stayed at the hotel with Mr. Crafts and I last night and had a good laugh about everything under the sun. Today we are head off to Ellis Island after some breakfast at a local dinner on Times Square. Mr. Crafts and I took ten students there for breakfast and they just love the variety of foods that was available to them. Good service also. We then caught the subway to Battery where we walked to the ferry to head off to Ellis Island. Coming through the security search would you believe that Im the only one who got searched, being the only American on the trip (this doesn't add up (-: Anyway we then got through. sitting on the boat I can only think of all the people who came before us to make this country as great as it is. People from all nationalities coming together to form a nation of doers. a nation of achievers. The view of the Statue of Liberty from here is amazing, also of New Jersey and it skyline. Whether is cold but the view and visibility is fantastic. Students are really looking forward to seeing Ellis Island. After that we are going to see the New York Ranger ice hockey team. Ellis Island was really an historic and amazing place. It was amazing to see all the names of people who came to the US from different points around the globe and the impact they had on the cultural landscape. Also it was nice for some of the teachers to check and look up their ancestral roots. The whether was absolutely amazing the whole day.

Here at the New York Rangers hockey game at Madison Square Garden. The game is almost sold out and it is amazing the enthusiasm the knowledge New York fans have for the game. To be honest not knowing the rules the game sort of flowed away from me. Quite a few fights on the floor among the players and the crowd just goes wild when this happens. The arena is really nice and big with plenty of room for people to move around. It is really nice that on all levels if you need or want a drink or food there is always someone walking around to sell you something from drinks to popcorn to hot dogs to corn dogs to ice tea. The entertainment during the breaks really keeps the crowd involves. Everything from highlighting how the players are helping out in the community to a 13 year old young man playing guitar to giving away tickets for up and coming events at the garden. Student also got their free New York Rangers hats as one of the promotions going on at the garden. Spend tonight at the Empire State building.

What a fantastic view at night with all the lights, the buildings such as the GE (General Electric) and the Chrysler building. The New York skyline is to die for and at night is fabulous. Ate at the Hard Rock Cafe which was good. Coming out of the Hard Rock Cafe and seeing all the lights on Times Square with all the animations was really nice. The area was always busy, always even throughout the day. One of the fantastic views for me was seeing Madison Square Garden lit up at night with the huge interactive board. A very good night for the students also. It was nice to hear them say how they wish they could live in the US or at least visit two to three times a year. 16th Monday Well. Where do i start! Woke up nice and early for our regular breakfast retreat to Andrews cafe, this time being accompanied by Ms Lamey and Dr Belliss – our recommendation throughout the trip went down well and we had a lovely breakfast on a beautiful New York morning. After breakfast we walked around 15 blocks with the kids to Central Park for an ice skating session! The backdrop of the Plaza hotel and the 5th Avenue skyline and stunning sunshine was a perfect way to start the day. Unfortunately Jamie hurt his knee on the ice (later diagnosed as a sprained knee and damaged ligaments) which meant a trip to St Luke's hospital up the road – the same hospital where John Lennon was pronounced dead in the 1980's interestingly. Also, we were notified by the ambulance crew that they were the first to arrive at the Hudson river plane crash. After 5 hours and with the help of Ms Harper with the insurance coverage curfuffle, Jamie was discharged – hats off to Jamie for his patience and coping with the obvious pain and disappointment at what had happened – a true SJB great in the making! Our evening culminated in a great meal at Bubba Gump, where the students were quizzed on their knowledge of 'Forrest Gump' – a personal favorite! A great day tinged with disappointment for Jamie but happy at how well he dealt with his injury. Last day tomorrow! Boo hoo!

Saturday 14 February 2009

Saturday 14th February

21:43pm NYC - All aboard, including Ms Lamey, Dr Belliss and the other SJB amigos. Today was exciting, jam packed and exhausting! The highlight of the day from Mr Lawrence's perspective was not once but twice visiting the Apple store - even over his brother David visiting (another devoted Apple eater). Not sure what the fuss was about until coming to the store for myself - impressive is an understatement! Today consisted of participating in a television and film tour aboard 'Studio tours NYC', where the students got the opportunity to get a close look at some familiar locations from our experiences of watching shows like 'Friends' and 'Gossip Girl' - the highlight from a biased perspective was the 'Ghostbusters' fire house - goosebumps from a fanatical fan were clear for all to see much to the amusement of Mr Lawrence, Ms Harper, Ms Lamey and Dr Belliss. Our tour guide Jess was as humorous as she was knowledgeable - well deserved round of applause was given at the climax of an exciting and informative tour around the city's most recognizable media and film locations.

The day ended with a stunning tour aboard Circle line cruises, where we saw the city and other familiar landmarks such as the Statue of Liberty from the tranquil waters of the Hudson and East river surrounding the island of Manhattan, and finally a well deserved feed at the 'Hard Rock Cafe' in a very lively Times Square. Exhausted, we returned to the hotel with the students - whilst Mr Lawrence and i recorded the days events at the Apple store (again). This place is remarkably busy considering im writing this at 9:43pm - i've just discovered its 24 hours! Wow! In the words of Stephen Fry "Only in America" Frank Sinatra said the city never slept. Absolutely! Good night and bring on tomorrow Mr Crafts - NC

More videos

As you can tell I have had a challenge finding time to process the videos and then finding some place to upload the content. Some of the content will be a little behind the time the events occurred, but I am trying to make sure that you have as close to the experience we are having as possible.

The group had a wonderful walk through Times Square last night. It was wonderful seeing the lights and all the people seeming to love life. The Flash based animation were highlighted throughout Times Square . They ranged from everything from movie trailers to commercials, to Sean John (Puff Daddy) selling cologne to Bruce Springsteen selling his music. Example of the evening is shown below.

01:02:17 PM 02/13/09

Got up this morning at 5:45 to prepare for the day. Arrived at the airport in good time and was surprised to see some of the students there. Once everyone arrived at the airport, we went to check in. Well upon our attempt to check in it was discovered that 10 of the 38 students were not processed correctly and the drama begun. We couldn't check our bags despite the fact that we had just checked in because we were a half-hour to early for that.

This issue was settled while the teachers just looked at each other in amazement because Miss Lamey had done all the preparatory work before hand to make sure none of these issues would arise. But hey we are going to New York so there was no way that any issue would drown our enthusiasm.

I also thought it would be a good idea to have the other teachers blog about their experiences and feeling while on the trip so from time to time they will give their views.

As Mr Lawrence has said we have certainly had an exciting morning and we have not even left the airport yet. Having checked in the students' excitement was heightened by their citing of Craig David, who us teachers are ashamed to say we did not recognize behind his sunglasses and had to be promptly reminded by our students just who he was! But that was just the beginning of the excitement and the celebrity spotting because as we were boarding our planes Paul McCartney was standing in front of us checking onto our plane! We are going up in the world! He was even showing that he has a sensitive side with a furry dog tucked into the front of his hand luggage – maybe he is scared of flying! Anyway after our star studded morning we arrived safely on the plane where we cozied into our seats and the inflight movies and food.
Miss Harper (from several thousand feet up in the air!)

Also several thousand feet in the air I am still astounded at the celebrity spotters of our tour party and how wonderful everyone was in patiently waiting to board the plane.
My morning has consisted of changing my jumper 3 times – first time for putting my suitcase in the car and the mud covered wheel smoothly rolling over my lovely white cashmere jumper in the process– secondly for my large biceps and shoulders ripping my jumper “incredible hulk” style whilst getting the luggage out of the car at terminal 5. Jumper number 3 awaits destruction at any moment folks! I am currently watching 'A time to kill' starring Samuel L Jackson (ironic considering as myself, Ms Harper and Mr Lawrence could not decide whether a man at Terminal 5 was actually Big Sam himself) which is suspenseful stuff!

Must dash – I have a bag of M&Ms calling my name!

Mr Crafts

5:30pm Friday afternoon

Arrived at the airport around 4:15 and was through in 40 minutes. You know today I really realized what makes this country great. People. People. People. We had the most wonderful guy to give us a hand trying to find our coach to take us to the hotel. Not only him but all the people , about 4 of them, all trying to help us and making sure that we were taken care of. Boy do I love America.