Saturday 14 February 2009

Apple Store 5th Avenue

Got up at 5:00am this morning, both excited and the difference in time zones and decided to hangout at the Apple store. So I caught a taxi around 15 blocks. On 5th Avenue its around 6:40, now at the Apple store. Mark and Dave eat your hearts out. You would love it here. Created a lot of information for the blog which I will attempt to upload later today. Going to Ground Zero among other places today. Students are very excited about being here and it really shows in their attitudes, which has been fantastic. One of the things I am noticing about the States now is the use of technology in different ways to sell products and satisfy the customer. In the taxis I took here there is television in the back seat of the car with all kinds of advertisements. On the street close to Madison Square Garden there have big screen TV's and I think the use of Adobe Flash to present those ideas to the public. Every company wanting to imprint their brand on the minds of the customers. WOW!!! New York, New York I have caught everything on video or through images and will attempt to edit it today to get it live as soon as possible. To all the parents who is reading this blog, your kids have been amazing. You have really done a great job with them. They are respectful, polite and are really enjoying themselves. Later, I have some Apple shopping to do.

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